Online Test for Primary Health Care Providers and Family Doctors
Thank you for participating in Armenian EyeCare Project’s (AECP) online test. It is developed for family doctors, primary healthcare providers and other interested parties, who wish to extend or revise their knowledge in the areas of eye care and eye diseases. The test is developed based on the AECP manual “Eye Diseases” (2005).
Upon successful completion of the online tool on the topic “Eye Diseases” the participants will be granted with CME 3 self-study credits certified by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenian and the Armenian EyeCare Project.
Please, note that you will need to pass successfully 80 % of questions in each of the three levels to complete the test. You have three attempts for each level.
Before taking the test we strongly recommend to consult the following publication.
Test Video Guide
(to view the video in full screen, please press the “Full Screen” button next to the “Youtube” icon)